Dale Wolford


For the Beginning Parent:
Instrumental music teachers have long recognized the value of sympathetic encouragement from home. As you hear the results of your child's first lesson and ask (under your breath), "Is it supposed to sound that way?", just stop and consider the difficulties he/she is having. As he/she tries to play his/her first exercises, these are the things that confront him/her:
  • Holding the instrument and sitting correctly
  • Breathing and blowing in a entirely new way
  • Controlling the tongue, lips and cheek muscles
  • Giving each note its correct length
  • Placing fingers on the right keys
  • Learning to read music

Your encouragement, interest and assistance can aid your child through this difficult, but rewarding time. I suggest, if you don't have any experience playing an instrument, that you have your child teach you to play. It can be a most humbling experience!
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